Crafting a Next-Generation Agenda for Global Environmental Politics (GEP)
I am working with a great team of researchers (Janina Grabs, Mariellie Papin, Justin Alger, Dhanasree Jayaram, and Thais Ribeiro) on a research project focused on crafting a next-generation research agenda for global environmental politics (GEP). We are going to be hosting a series of focus groups (in-person and online) over the next 4-6 weeks and also fielding a survey to gather input from early career folks who study global environmental politics (broadly defined and maximally inclusive of disciplines).
We would love to meet with and hear from early career researchers (we define this as those currently in graduate school (masters or PhD), less than 10 years since PhD completion, those or in the pre-tenure (or equivalent) phase of their career) to learn about where they see research in this area heading, their hopes and visions for the future of GEP research, and what supports are necessary for ECRs to produce this type of research.
We are kicking off the first set of focus groups at the upcoming ISA Annual Meeting next week. If you are interested in participating, please fill out this registration form: https://bit.ly/gep_next_gen. I’ve attached the informed consent document (which includes informed consent information for the survey and the focus groups) and a PDF about the upcoming ISA focus groups. Please feel free to forward to colleagues, current or former students, or others who do research on GEP and are ECRs, but may not be in this listserv. Please also feel free to email me with any questions you have about this research.
In addition to the groups next week, we will be hosting future focus groups in March and April via Zoom, so if you would like to be kept in the loop about future focus groups, you can fill out this registration form and we will contact you when we schedule the additional online options.
Thank you so much for considering being part of this research! We are looking forward to learning more about ECRs vision for research in GEP!
Devon Cantwell-Chavez
PhD Candidate
University of Ottawa
Department of Political Studies
Pronouns: she, her, hers
cell: 785-817-0524
website: http://www.devoncantwell.com
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