Code of Conduct

Culture and Values

The Ecological Design Collective (EDC) is guided by an ethic of emergence and invites its members to participate in that spirit. The basic idea is that interactions should be low-stakes, free-flowing, and open-ended enough that community members develop a sense of trust with one another. The etymology shows “trust to be true like a tree : firm, steadfast, and loyal; not impervious to the evidence of the senses, but founded on a willingness to endure risk and uncertainty.” In our experience, this means privileging being kind over being ‘right;’ lessons over failures; and critical connections over critical mass. Generosity and humor go a long way too.

Community participants are responsible for their comments or posts. The opinions, statements and viewpoints expressed by community participants do not necessarily reflect the opinions of EDC or constitute an official position of EDC.

Please note that our platform is available to the public. To protect your privacy and the privacy of others, no information you consider confidential should be posted to this site, including personally identifiable information such as social security numbers, full account numbers, phone numbers or e-mail addresses in any comment or post. If you do include personally identifiable information in your comment, your comment or post may be deleted.

This is also a space for users to share works in progress. In this spirit, please respect requests not to share, quote, or circulate unpublished work that is posted on this platform for the purpose of creating community and sharing feedback.

Anti-Harassment Policies

Emergence depends on everyone’s right to a harassment-free experience.

This right applies to all EDC zones, including this online platform and in-person events and meetings. EDC reserves the right monitor, prohibit, restrict, block, suspend, terminate, delete, or discontinue access to the platform based on our community guidelines below:

Harassment includes:

● Wounding comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, mental illness, neuro(a)typicality, physical appearance, body size, age, race, nationality, socio-economic status or religion.

 ● Deliberate “outing” or doxxing of any aspect of a person’s identity without their consent except as necessary to protect vulnerable people from intentional abuse. Deliberate misgendering or deadnaming. 

● Unwelcome comments regarding a person’s lifestyle choices and practices, including those related to food, health, parenting, drugs, and employment. 

● Sustained disruption of discussion. 

● Derogatory jokes or comments. 

● Spam, or content containing or linking to any kind of virus, malware, spyware, or similar program that could cause harm to a user’s computer. 

● Repeated or identical posts 

● Posting private communications without consent. 

● Profane, obscene, inappropriate, disruptive or unrelated to the topic and conversation. 

● Threats; personal attacks; abusive, defamatory, derogatory, ad hominem attacks, or inflammatory language; or stalking or harassment of any individual, entity or organization. 

● Indecent, sexually explicit or pornographic material of any kind — including masked profanity where symbols, initials, intentional misspellings or other characters are used to suggest profane language. 

● Intimidation, stalking or following. 

● Harassing photography or recording, including logging online activity for harassment purposes. 

● Sexual harassment or the creation of a hostile work environment 

● Quid pro quo harassment 

● Unwelcome sexual attention 

● Continued one-on-one communication pursuant to requests to cease.

If you wish to report or flag a user post/comment as inappropriate yourself, please use the Report Post option or write directly to If the person who is harassing you is a moderator or Curator, they will be asked to recuse themselves from handling your situation.