Hosting an Event with the EDC

Hosting an Event with the EDC


Welcome! Thank you for your interest in hosting an event with the Ecological Design Collective! We’re thrilled to be collaborating with you. The EDC is a new and growing network of over a thousand researchers, writers, designers, artists, activists, students, and others. We’d be delighted to help get the word out about your event to this network and beyond, and to set it up in a way that you can also share and publicize it effectively. Please do keep in mind that the EDC is run by a small team of volunteer curators and graduate student coordinators. We hope that some of the details here will help ensure that your event is as manageable and effective as possible.

Timing the event. We are building a monthly calendar of events of different kinds. To plan most effectively for your event, we prefer to have all needed details in hand at least three weeks in advance, if not more. Events can be scheduled for any day or time of the week. Please think about your likely audience in planning this. If you would like an EDC curator or coordinator to be present to help with logistics and coordination, please hold your event [TIMEFRAME – one month?]. In planning the event, we encourage you to communicate with us as much as possible via the messaging feature on our platform.

Developing the event. Attendees are expected to join the EDC as members to attend EDC events. This is one important way that we’ve been growing this community. Attendees will be able to RSVP for the event once they’ve created an EDC account–no need for Eventbrite or anything further. For an in-person event, we’ll rely on you to identify an appropriate space and remain present throughout as host and guide. For online events, you can rely on the Zoom functionality built into our online community platform. The event post and RSVP confirmation will include a link to a Zoom meeting, which attendees may join via our EDC community platform or directly via their Zoom apps.

Publicizing the event. We’d be glad to develop an event poster and event post for your event, with the details you share with us in advance. If you have specific design preferences please share them in detail. We’ll gladly share one version of these with you for feedback and suggestions, but please forgive us for being unable to proceed with more than one iteration of revisions. We will share your event via our EDC event calendar and our newsletter, as well as EDC social media. Please do the same via your own networks–we encourage you to bring your own people, those you feel may be interested in attending. We’ve learned over time that event attendance can always be unpredictable, whether they take place online or in person, and reaching out to to people definitely helps.

Running the event. We will do our best to ensure that an EDC curator or coordinator is present for your event to welcome attendees and help with logistics as necessary. For online events, please make sure to coordinate with us in advance to ensure that you and your speakers and participants are familiar with the event controls. Meeting ten minutes in advance of the event time is always helpful. Please note that due to the nature of Zoom’s integration with our platform, a password will be required, which we will share with you and the attendees via the event post and RSVP confirmation. This password, however, should not be necessary for anyone logged in to the EDC community platform.

Lastly, please take a moment to review the EDC Code of Conduct, outlined on this page. We expect you, as an event organizer, to keep these principles in in mind, and to try to ensure that they are met. We’re looking forward to working on this event with you, thanks!