December 5, 2023
5:30 pm
9:00 pm
Tuesday, December 5th. Creative Alliance. Join the Vital Matters community for Climate Change Theatre Action 2023: All Good Things Must Begin! Doors open at 5:30 for art and information in the gallery. Show at 7 p.m.
Every two years since 2015 (when the Paris agreement was signed), 50 playwrights from around the world have been commissioned to write short plays that inform and inspire action around climate change (see In 2021, with Winter Seeds, we brought you six plays from five countries, responding to the idea of “a green new deal.” There were puppets! Original songs! We spoke with youth activists from Baltimore Beyond Plastic and Zero Hour.
This year’s CCTA theme, “All Good Things Must Begin,” is inspired by Octavia Butler’s journals. We are creating the December event with this in mind, as well as Butler’s invitation to us to “shape change,” as expressed in her Parable books. Performances include the reading seven plays from 5 countries, Maura Dwyer’s cranky, Wilder than Walls, and original sound and music from our Shaper of Vibrational Frequencies, Sanahara Ama Chandra.
Baltimore theatre artists, musicians, activists, scholars and others are coming together to help us connect the dots between what is happening around climate and environmental justice globally and locally. Learn about local challenges and some of the good things that have already begun to address them right here in Baltimore. Conversation partners include Taylor Smith-Hams from, environmental justice advocate Naadiya Hutchinson, Susan McCully, theatre professor and organizer of A Green Theatre Revolution at UMBC, and a special message from South Baltimore Community Land Trust. Find out how you can get involved!
Find out more about Vital Matters at our newly launched website,