Coming Up

The only coal in Curtis Bay Should be on the grill!

Curtis Bay Recreation Center 1630 Filbert Street, Baltimore, MD, United States

Join us for a community dinner, information session, art build, and brainstorming session to keep Curtis Bay residents and CSX workers free from pollution! RSVP…


BMore NOMA Annual Summer BBQ

PPHUF 3811 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD

Baltimore Chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects is hosting its Annual Summer BBQ at Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm, 3811 Park Heights Ave,…

$20.00 – $40.00

Mushroom Methods Workshop

There is something underfoot. They were not there recently. Yet, seemingly overnight, they sprouted up above the surface and forced the world to notice. The…

Pecha Kucha @ Current Space

Current Space 421 N Howard st, Baltimore, MD, United States

Pecha Kucha is visual storytelling format where each presenter prepares and shares exactly 20 slides. The presentation is set to automatically advance every 20 seconds,…


August Virtual Drawing Party

Our monthly Ecological Design Collective social events continue in August with an online drawing party. If you’re new to the EDC, or would just appreciate…

Art Build for the March to End Fossil Fuels

NoMuNoMu 709 North Howard Street, Baltimiore, MD, United States

Speak Out Now will be joining the thousands taking to the streets in NYC on Sunday, September 17th. Fossil fuel corporations and their politicians are…

Resisting Mining Book Club: Vanishing Sands

LMN is delighted to announce our fifth Resisting Mining Book Club 2023 with guest speakers Orrin Pilkey, Keith Pilkey, Norma Longo and Hannah Smith, who…

EDC EVENT: “Highway to Nowhere” Walking Tour

Walking Tour Start: Walgreens 300 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Baltimore, Maryland

Join us for a walking tour of Baltimore's infamous "Highway to Nowhere" (H2NOW)—the 1.4 mile ditch that displaced nearly 1,500 residents and separates neighborhoods in…
