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Home Forums Opportunities Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons

  • Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons

    Posted by Jessie Croteau on October 28, 2024 at 12:58 pm

    Call for Contributions

    We invite you to submit your contribution abstract using the form below. Your contribution can be a paper presentation, a commons practitioner presentation, or a poster. We strongly encourage everyone to attend the conference in person, but we will design some online hybrid events, including standalone online panels.

    Submission Instructions

    1. When submitting a paper or commons practitioner presentation, you can select submitting to one of the accepted panels distributed across our 12 sub-themes.
    2. If your contribution doesn’t fit any of the already accepted panels, select the last option: “None of the accepted panels” and you will then be prompted to select from one of 12 conference sub-themes.
    3. If you do not find a sub-theme suited to your topic, submit your abstract through the final sub-theme – “12. Open Call and Emerging Approaches.” The Conference Committee will figure out a panel for it to be a part of.
    4. If you want to submit a contribution and connect it to another contribution being submitted by a colleague to be in the same panel, use the comment field to communicate who that colleague is and (if possible) their contribution title to the Conference Committee.
    5. If you submit a poster, you are expected to attend in person and be prompted to select one of the conference sub-themes.

    If you have questions, please get in touch with the IASC 2025 Program Chair, Michael Cox (

    Jessie Croteau replied 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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