Student Mini-project funding: Climate-Smart Transportation
The Center for Climate-Smart Transportation (CCST) is a Tier 1 University Transportation Center funded by the Department of Transportation. CCST is a consortium of six Institutions including Johns Hopkins University (lead institution), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Texas at Austin, University of Utah, Morgan State University (MSU), and Dine College.
The Center for Climate-Smart Transportation (CCST)’s research, education, leadership and technology transfer programs and activities are inspired by the urgent call for an evidence-based research agenda that goes beyond scientific merits, focuses on solutions and is practice-ready and would result in changes in transportation policy and practice, making efficiency the center of transportation decisions as emphasized in the USDOT Strategic Plan Goals.
CCST will be a leader in transitioning our antiquated transportation system towards the future through innovative policy making and the latest technology. The proposed research is required to contribute to the CCST research focus areas as follows:
Focus Area 1: Promoting Data-driven Efficient solutions in All Levels of Transportation Decisions
Focus Area 2: Accelerating the Mass Market Adoption of Emerging Transportation Technologies
Focus Area 3: Improving Multi-Modal Transportation Planning & Shared Use of Infrastructure
Focus Area 4: Smart Cities, Big Data & Innovative Technologies to Improve Transportation System Efficiency
Project Eligibility and Requirements:
CCST request for proposals is open for all undergraduate and graduate students at the CCST consortium. The goal is to provide guidance and financial support for the students to publish their research in a peer-reviewed journal. Other eligibility requirements include:
- Students must be enrolled in at-least 9 credit hours,
- Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and be in good academic standing.
- Proposal should be aligned with one or more of CCST focus areas.
- Students may be in any discipline. Multidisciplinary topics are encouraged.
- Students should name a faculty advisor from the consortium to support their application.
- The goal is to support student-led research to be published in top-tier peer-reviewed journals.
- Students may be currently employed as an RA/TA; however, the payment will be deferred until summer.
Note: If you do not identify a CCST affiliated faculty member who is overseeing this study, one may be appointed to your project. The faculty advisor does not need to be your thesis or dissertation advisor.
Projects will be selected based on research novelty, impacts on science, policy and practice as well as impacts on student PI’s educational and career goals.
Selected student-led projects will be awarded up to $2000 to support students with research expenses such as purchasing data, tool, publication expenses, and travel to present the research.
Proposals must not exceed three single-spaced pages in 11-point font, covering the following sections:
- Project Title, Student PI and Advisor Information
- Abstract (200 word)
- Description of Proposed Research including:
- References (not included in the three-page limit)
- 2-page Curriculum Vitae for the student PI (not included in the three-page limit)
- Support letter from faculty advisor (not included in the three-page limit)
The completed proposal packages in a single pdf document should be submitted to eazimi2@jhu.edu by midnight Eastern Time on March 27th, 2025.
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