Reply To: Welcome to the Climate Imaginarium!

  • Jonas Johnson

    November 6, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    Hey ya’ll! I’m Jonas, and I’m pretty new to the idea of climate writing—but I’ve been a long-time lover of sci-fi speculation, dystopian critiques, and utopian dreams. I’m a 3rd year anthropology PhD student at Hopkins and the current coordinator here at the EDC. I’m really interested in learning how to tell compelling stories as an ethnographer—and how to draw out and capture climate imaginaries that are implicit, repressed in the narratives of my interlocutors (mostly, rural conservative Americans, who even blinded by denialism are experiencing changes that are impossible to explain). I’ve really been loving clicking thru the Imaginarium’s “Library” (a tab on this group page)… the cover drawings alone are absolutely stunning…