Our vision is to build a collective space to share knowledge and develop the kind of relationships that can create and sustain more ecological futures. We’ve been organizing beyond the limits of specific institutions and disciplines, with the hope of developing a more inclusive community. And in keeping with the spirit of ecological design, we’ve relied on alternative forms of digital infrastructure, rather than readymade and extractive corporate platforms that track your data and sell it to advertisers.
We rely on a team of volunteers to keep this collective vibrant and active. As our community continues to grow, we are grateful for your support, for all the ideas, commitments, and relationships you bring to this space. At the same time, your financial support would also help us sustain this platform and ensure its viability. This digital space is tiny, but it takes several thousand dollars each year to maintain the EDC online platform and keep it running. Anyone can join for free, but we welcome any and all contributions.
The Ecological Design Collective is a fiscally sponsored project of Inquiring Systems Inc, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit public benefit organization. Please consider making a small tax-deductible donation for the EDC to support our work and help us realize the dream of a self-sustaining EDC community. Thank you!