Natural Building, Ecological Imagination, and More |
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Hello and welcome again to our members both old and new! We're delighted that you've joined this collective and it's wonderful to see so many of you on our new online platform. New groups are coming together on topics like Ecological Imagination, Climate Justice, Green Building, Ecological Anthropology and more, do take a look. |
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We're striving to make this a collaborative and community-oriented space, built to share updates, images, stories, resources. Here's a glimpse of our vision for this emerging space. Those of you with EDC accounts already, just click on the button below and reset your old password with the "Forgot Password" link to join us. |
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We really enjoyed seeing so many of you at our recent event on Life Centered Design beyond anthropocentrism and white supremacy, at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore. For those who missed it, here's a picture of our geodesic dome going up at MICA. |
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Stay tuned for more updates. And for those of you with a little fomo, not to worry! We have an exciting online event this Thursday at 2pm EST, featuring the notable green builder Bruce King, and hosted by EDC curator and anthropologist Michael Degani. |
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Getting Beyond Zero: A Conversation with Bruce King on Embodied Carbon, Natural Building, and Ecological Design |
Join us for a conversation on the design traditions and cultural challenges of reducing the carbon footprint of contemporary construction practices.
This Thursday, December 8th @ 2 pm EST. Join the event online at the link below. |
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Ecological Design Collective
Nurturing radical ecological futures
A fiscally sponsored project of Inquiring Systems Inc., 501(c)3
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