A climate writing workshop and a new climate storytelling community
ecological design collective ecological design collective

Hi everyone, here's an exciting development many months in the making. We’ve partnered with the Climate Imaginations Network at Columbia University and Imagine 2200 at Grist Magazine to launch a new arts and storytelling consortium called the Climate Imaginarium. We’re thrilled to be part of this initiative and hope you’ll join the community and conversation via our EDC platform.


The Imaginarium is weaving a network between some of the most influential institutions involved with climate storytelling in writing, film, theater, music, art, design, and culture. We're leveraging our collective power to imagine just, equitable, and regenerative futures, to evolve our climate cultures and dream as big as we can.


Through this consortium, we’ll be pitching in with plans to develop a community center for climate artists and storytellers to convene and collaborate; a studio to produce and publish climate stories across a range of narrative media; a lab to inform interdisciplinary pedagogies and research uplifting frontline narratives and regenerative design; and a space for learning, exhibition, and engagement with the public.

We’re kicking things off on Friday, November 10th with a workshop led by the Climate Stories Project, via the Imaginarium’s new virtual community space on the EDC platform. This virtual community space for the Imaginarium is meant to operate in parallel with a physical community space, currently in development in New York City, which will host galleries, exhibitions, performances, public programming, a studio workspace, and more.


Dreaming of a better future gives us a blueprint to build the world we want to live in. We invite you to join the Imaginarium community as we continue to assemble opportunities for collaboration, publication, exhibition, learning, research, engagement, and collective imagination in the weeks and months ahead. 


Check out the Climate Imaginarium website, stay tuned for more Imaginarium programming, and say hi via our EDC Imaginarium community! In the meantime, we’re always on the lookout for creative suggestions, collaborations, or proposals large and small from folks who’d like to be involved. If you’ve got one, please feel free to submit this form or share your ideas in our EDC community space. And, please join us for our climate writing kickoff event in November!

Friday, November 10th, 2023

12:00pm - 1:30pm EST


What is your climate story? Our personal experiences often force us to confront what it means to live in the midst of ecological collapse—unseasonably warm fall days, a shoreline much different from our childhood memories, a sunny afternoon blotted out by wildfire smoke. And yet, we also encounter the whirr of new green technologies, the collective fervor of a youthful protest chant, and community gardens thriving against all odds.

Are you interested in learning how to grapple with our present and imagine radical ecological futures through storytelling and writing? RSVP to join us for a virtual 90 minute writing workshop facilitated by Jason Davis, director of the Climate Stories Project, an educational and artistic forum for sharing personal stories about climate change. Writers will come away with deeper engagement with their personal responses to climate change, increased confidence in their ability to speak with others about the changing climate, and an enhanced conviction to confront the climate crisis. 

Ecological Design Collective
Nurturing radical ecological futures
A fiscally sponsored project of Inquiring Systems Inc., 501(c)3