What the Senses Tell: A Plant Medicine Perspective

Peale Museum 225 Holliday Street, Baltimore, MD, United States

The Peale Museum's new exhibition on The Future of Here: A Glimpse of a River Culture to Come is an invitation to extend our senses…


Cohen Davison Family Theatre at the Peabody Institute 1 East Mount Vernon Place, Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Hello! My name is Suzanka Belik-- I am an undergraduate student at the Peabody Institute studying Classical Horn Performance and minoring in environmental humanities through…

Shaping Intentional and Equitable Spaces in Baltimore and Beyond

Enoch Pratt Central Library: Creative Arts Center (2nd Floor) 400 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, MD, United States

During the international Conscious Cities Festival--where designers, researchers, technologists, decision makers, and local communities converge to explore the intricate relationship between the built environment and…