Building small alternatives to corporate media
ecological design collective ecological design collective

The social media battles of the billionaires are disheartening. Luckily, these companies don't have a monopoly on digital community spaces. We’ve grown our EDC community using open source tools in order to connect and share without triggering the dreaded "algorithm" and its advertising cues. Meeting each other in such spaces is one small way we can reclaim our digital sovereignty and evade corporatization. 

Take a look at this new blog post by EDC curator Anand Pandian, who just had the chance to meet and talk in person with, our amazing digital infrastructure team based in Tirana, Albania. The link below includes a video of Anand’s chat with Redon Skikuli, a founder of the company and a long-time activist for digital autonomy. They talk about the importance of open source technologies and the digital commons, and various tools for online community building that safeguard freedom and plurality. 

Meanwhile, we’re still accepting applications for our small grants program to support group organizing via the EDC platform. Apply by the end of July! If you missed our Q&A session, just click the image below for a recording of the presentation. You can also read more about EDC group organizing here, and the stipend program here.

More than anything else, our new mobile app has convinced us that the EDC platform can serve as an effective group organizing tool. It’s an easy way to message and meet with your team on the go, and to keep up with news, projects, and events. Do check it out if you haven’t already, and download the version that’s right for you!

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Ecological Design Collective
Nurturing radical ecological futures
A fiscally sponsored project of Inquiring Systems Inc., 501(c)3